Treat Bell’s Palsy With Acupuncture
Did you know that acupuncture can help speed up your recovery from Bell's Palsy? Let us help you recover your smile using a gentle yet effective treatment method. After the onset of symptoms, we saw that patients who come to us sooner are able to overcome facial paralysis and pain faster. Here are before and after pictures of our patient who came to see us within the first week of the onset of symptoms. Notice how our patient can close his eyes completely and smile after treatment.
Symptoms of Bell's Palsy commonly include facial asymmetry, muscle twitching, drooping of the eyelid and corner of the mouth, drooling, and dry mouth. If you or a loved one show any symptoms of Bell's Palsy, please see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis and book an appointment with us asap to expedite your recovery.
©2023 by SUNNY Acupuncture & Herb PLLC. All rights reserved. All photos are posted with the patient's permission.